Self Published Works
Adonai S'fatai Tiftach
Written for 4-part choir and piano (instrumental ensemble accompaniment available)
Ahavat Olam
Written for 4-part choir, solo and piano, composed in honor of Shabbat Shira 2013 (instrumental ensemble accompaniment available)
Written for unison, 2 or 3-part children’s choir, 4-part choir, solo and piano, composed as a link between the Ahavat Olam and Shema (instrumental ensemble accompaniment available)
About an hour and 15 minutes in length, this story centers on a boy Benjamin, who is teased about being Jewish. Through a dream he becomes Judah Maccabee and lives the story of Chanukah as he regains a strong Jewish identity and a self confidence that allows him to face the bullies at school.
Bo-achem L'shalom
Winner of the 2002 Guild of Temple Musicians Ben Steinberg Young Composer’s Award that has the following pieces that are suitable for children’s choir, adult choir or solo:
Shalom Aleichem, written for unison choir or solo and piano (Transcon #993471)
L’cha Dodi, written for unison choir, solo, piano and violin
Ahavat Olam/Shema, written for 2-part choir, piano and violin
Mi Chamocha, written for 2-part choir, piano and violin
V’shamru, written for 2-part choir and piano, published in Transcontinental’s Shabbat Anthology Vol. VI (Transcon #993469)
Shalom Rav, written for unison choir, piano and violin (instrumental ensemble parts available)
Yih’yu L’Ratzon, written for 2-part choir, piano and violin, published in Transcontinental’s Shabbat Anthology Vol. VI (Transcon #993469)
Niggun/Oseh Shalom, written for 2-part choir, piano and violin, this piece works well as an intro to the gospel Halleluyah
Esa Einai
This setting of Psalm 121 was commissioned by Temple Beth Israel in honor of their 100 anniversary. It is a choral setting with optional instrumental accompaniment.
Esa Enai Niggun
A version of Esa Einai set as a niggun, both in unison and in 4 part harmony. Instrumental accompaniment is available.
Hashkiveinu for Rosh Hashanah
Written for 5-part professional choir, solo and flute, commissioned by Cantor Stephen Merkel
Hashkiveinu with New English Introduction
A commission by Cantor Betsy Peters-Epstein to compose a new introduction with the English translation (Transcon #993126)
Hashkiveinu based on "Tziyon Tamati" by Jospe
Written for solo, 4 part choir and piano for the 2020 ACC/GTM/CA Midwinter Retreat in January, 2020
Hine Mah Tov
Written for 4-part choir, children’s choir and instrumental ensemble, composed and premiered at the Temple Adat Elohim 2014 Chanukah Concert
I Will Return (Hashiveinu)
A three part round composed for the High Holy Days
Written for 2 solos, 4-part adult choir, unison children’s choir, piano and violin, a large piece, about 10 minutes in duration, performed at the American Conference of Cantors and Guild of Temple Musicians National Convention at Congregation Beth Israel of San Diego. It was commissioned by Cantor Stephen Merkel, Cantor Ida Rae Kahana, and Mark Saltzman for Chanukah concert programming using the Haftarah for Chanukah text (instrumental ensemble accompaniment available)
Written for 4-part choir, solo, optional unison children’s choir and instrumental ensemble, a shortened version of the piece focusing on the “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit” text in Hebrew and English
Im Yeladim Chayim
Written for 4-part choir, solo, piano and flute, commissioned by Mark Saltzman
L'cha Dodi for Suzanne
Written for solo voice, SATB choir and instrumental ensemble in honor of Suzanne Gallant and all she has brought to the Adat Elohim Community
L'dor Vador
Written for 4-part choir, solo, oboe and piano, commissioned by Cantor Rebecca Garfein from Rodeph Sholom in Manhattan
Lo Ta'amod, We Will Not Stand Idly By
Written for 3-part choir, solo, piano, trumpet and tof, a commission from Cantor Shannon McGrady Bane in honor of her rabbi’s retirement. Selected to be a part of Shalshelet: The Foundation for New Jewish Liturgical Music’s 5th International Festival (instrumental ensemble accompaniment available)
Written for 4-part choir, solo and piano, a beautiful melodic setting (instrumental ensemble accompaniment available)
Marilyn's Niggun
Written for solo and guitar, composed in loving memory of Marilyn Rosenthal (instrumental ensemble accompaniment available)
Mi Chamocha
Written for 4-part choir, solo and piano, an up-tempo choral celebration of freedom (instrumental ensemble accompaniment available)
Written for 4-part choir and piano, selected to be part of Shalshelet: The Foundation for New Jewish Liturgical Music’s 5th International Festival (instrumental ensemble accompaniment available)
Modim Anachnu Lach
Written for solo voice, SATB choir and instrumental in honor of the strength of the Adat Elohim community as we have faced the COVID 19 pandemic
Or Zarua
Written for 4-part choir, solo and piano, composed in honor of Rabbi Barry Diamond joining the Temple Adat Elohim family (instrumental ensemble accompaniment available)
Composed for Shabbat Shira in 2021, this contemplative setting for solo voice and instrumental ensemble is the perfect way to conclude the silent meditation.
Oseh Shalom/Eitz Chayim
Written for 4-part choir and instrumental ensemble, composed in honor of the writing of our new Torah at Temple Adat Elohim
Psalm 99
Written for 4-part choir, piano and violin, a commission in honor of the 40th anniversary of Kol Emet, the Adult choir of Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple in New Jersey
Written for solo and piano or guitar, a song that allows communities to count the omer through music (instrumental ensemble accompaniment available)
Shalom Rav for High Holy Days
A commission by Cantor Lisa Doob to rework the piece for the High Holy Days text (Transcon #993127)
Written for a cappella 4-part choir, from the Chanukah musical, Benjamin and Judah
Written for 4-part choir with piano accompaniment composed in honor of Temple Adat Elohim’s first Kever Avot service with Pierce Brothers Valley Oaks Memorial Park (instrumental ensemble accompaniment available)
Sim Shalom
Written for 4-part adult choir, optional unison children’s choir, solo and piano (instrumental ensemble accompaniment available)
Standing Next To You
Written for solo, 4-part choir and instrumental ensemble in honor of Carly Shukiar’s becoming a bat mitzvah
T'filat HaDerech
Written for 4-part adult choir, 2-part children’s choir, piano and instrumental ensemble, a special piece composed in honor of Rabbi Rebecca L. Dubowe and her 18 years of service at Temple Adat Elohim, premiered by the TAE Symphony
A work for three voices (soprano, mezzo (best if a teen), tenor, piano, cello and clarinet. This piece is a 30 minute multimedia piece that takes children’s poetry from the Holocaust and sets it to music. This piece was commissioned by Cantor Mark Saltzman in commemoration of Yom HaShoa. The pieces include:
The Garden
At Terezin
It All Depends On How You Look At It
I’d Like To Go Alone
Through Your Eyes
Written for solo, 4 part choir and instrumental ensemble
V'lo Ira
Written for 4-part choir, solo and piano, commissioned by the American Conference of Cantors and the Guild of Temple Musicians in honor of the 2006 Mission to Israel and in honor of the dedication of Beit Daniel’s Jaffe Center
Written for 1 or 2 soloists, optional 4-part choir, piano and flute. commissioned by Cantor Beth Garden, a piece for Yizkor mostly in English. Selected to be a part of Shalshelet: The Foundation for New Jewish Liturgical Music’s 5th International Festival
Yih'yu L'Ratzon #2
Written for 4-part choir, an a capella piece ideal for after the silent prayer, composed in honor of Shabbat Shira, 2017